How To Become President In Bitlife?

If you are a “Bitlife ” player like me, you will also know that becoming a president in Bitlife is one of the hardest challenges you can face. This is a fascinating game where players can control everything about a character’s life. As I said everything, everything means health, education, love life, and career. Becoming a president will require hard work, spending millions on campaigns, and the most important thing, your luck.
Steps to Become a President in Bitlife:
You should follow these steps for your presidency at Bitlife.
1. Buy a special job pack:
The first thing you should do to become a president is to purchase the politician’s special job pack. This pack is available in the Bitlife marketplace. You can own it free of cost from BitLife Mod APK.
2. Create A character:
Start a character born in the United States, with good looks and intelligence. Perform exercise and activities consistently with increasing age to maintain great looks and smartness level. This will make your journey easier to the presidency.
3. Make your character able to enter university:
While in the university, work on maintaining your looks and intelligence and save money. You should ask for money from your parents and save that money. Perform part time job at good hourly rate and save as much as possible.
4. Degree from the university:
Age up your character to 18 and get a political science degree from a university. After getting the degree from the university, you will have four choices to start your career in.
- School board director.
- Mayor.
- State governor.
- President of the United States.
As you know the first 3 careers require the age of 25 years. Similarly, 35 years of age is required for the post of Presidency. So keeping this in mind, all these careers should be adopted one by one and make money from them. Mayors and state governors would be best who later play key roles for the presidency.
5. Make More Money:
As you adopt these roles, try to make and save more money as it will be in need in the future for campaigning. When you gather about $80 million, you will be able to start your campaign for the presidency. It is not a good budget for a presidential campaign, you should always aim for $200 million.
6. Join Social media:
You should join social media to get famous and have more fans. To grow your followers on BitLife, you must regularly post videos, photos and other informative posts. You should talk with your followers about your Presidency so they will support you in becoming a president.
7. Be active in Local Government:
Before attempting to run for the presidency, you should be active in local government and work for the goodwill of the people and the country. And once you are 35, then you should start trying to become a president.
8. Do not come down from the political ladder:
After terms of Mayor and Governor, you should try your luck in more political activities. You should do activities to make money. The more money you have, the more successful campaigns you will run.
9. Run for the president when you gather about $80 million:
Some people say you should have $200 million for a better campaign but $80 million is compulsory. Once you start the campaign, pay special attention to the question asked of you. If you had a better campaign, your character would be selected as a president. If not selected, you should try again if your character is not old. You can also start from the fresh as well. I recommend you start fresh and focus on the mistakes you made last time.
Bitlife is the most mind-refreshing game I have ever played. Becoming a president is challenging but very fascinating in this game. We have discussed how you can easily try to get the presidency. You can also try many more challenges to make your day special by facing them.